The MI also refers as well as the heart attack which usually cause by a complete blockage of coronary artery by cholesterol followed by blood clot which reduced the oxygen-rich blood supply to the heart muscle. The gradual process of accumulation of cholesterol and blood clot, which deposited in the walls of arteries, is called atherosclerosis. Coronary atherosclerosis (or coronary artery disease) is refers to the atherosclerosis that causes hardening and narrowing of the coronary arteries. Advanced coronary artery disease in the blood vessel will cause the cholesterol plaque ruptured. This encourages a blood clot to form on the damaged surface inside the artery, which is on cholesterol plaque that will cause coronary heart diseases (CHD). Coronary heart diseases include heart attacks, sudden unexpected death, chest pain, abnormal heart rhythms, and heart failure due to weakening of the heart muscle.